Monday, September 16, 2013

Rumor: Apple To Host iPad Event On October 15th?

Some Apple fans were holding on to hope that Cupertino would unleash new iPads on the world at last week’s keynote, but even though the keynote came and went without so much as a glimpse of a new iPad, we might only have to wait a month until the next Apple event.

According to the French Apple-blog MacGeneration, Apple will host an event on October 15th to present the new iPad. While the site has got some rumors right, it’s also missed the mark on quite a few – including when they claimed new Mac Pros would be launch in Spring 2013 – so don’t put too much hope in this rumor just yet.

The latest round of rumors have claimed Apple will launch a slimmer iPad 5 and iPad mini with Retina display before the Holidays. A number of leaked iPad 5 and iPad mini 2 rear shells have already been leaked, signaling that the official launch isn’t too far out.

Apple followed last year’s keynote in September with another hosted in October to announce new iPads and Macs, so the October 15th timeframe does make sense – although you could guess any Tuesday in October after the 8th and not be far off. The site also notes that Mac supplies are currently constrained as Apple’s expected to announce Intel Haswell integration on a new lineup of MacBook Pros and iMacs.

Data source: via CultofMac (By Buster Heine)

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