Tuesday, August 27, 2013

TREWGrip Handheld Keyboard For iPhone And iPad (Kickstarter)

Put your hands down on your keyboard. Now pick them up and rotate them as if you’re about to hold an iPad in landscape mode.
Now imagine that you’re gripping a keyboard, and that the keys of that keyboard are around the back of the slab in your hand, running vertically under your fingers.

That’s how the TREWGrip was designed.

The Blam abides. Photo Credit
Brian X Chen/Wired.com
The layout of the TREWGrip is standard QWERTY, only the keys are around back. The front of the handheld unit mirrors the layout of the keyboard with a “display” of letter tiles corresponding to the keys round back, and these tiles light up when the companion key is pressed.

The TREWGrip connects via Bluetooth, and has a suction grip on the front to hold a phone or an iPad. Or you can pair it with a computer, in which case an internal gyroscope can be used to control the mouse pointer.

The promo video of this Kickstarter project focuses on medical professionals, but it could also be great for anyone who wants to type with a proper keyboard but doesn’t want to sit at a desk while they do it. Like, say, Brian Lam.

The TREWGrip funding drive only has a little while left, and if you pitch in $249 (!) then you will maybe get one in February 2014 — sadly just a shade too late for CES.

Data source: via CultofMac (By Charlie Sorrel)
Origine source: kickstarter

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